A Car In Every Garage

A chicken in every pot!

The phrase is often attributed to Herbert Hoover as he was running for President in the 1920’s. Turns out, there is no record of him saying it. It turns out that the Republican National Committee sent out a flyer that year encouraging a vote for Hoover because he would help to “put a chicken in every pot and a car in every garage, to boot”!

While I do have a car in my garage (well, a mini-van and a crossover…do they count??), it is not often I end up with a chicken in my pot. This recipe does just that.

Like many slow cooker recipes, the meat just falls off the bone.

The recipe calls for a whole chicken, but I’ve found the buying the equivalent pieces works better for getting the whole bird in the pot.

Make a bed of the veggies.

The seasonings that are called to be put inside the chicken, I add to what I sprinkle on the outside.

It looks a little packed. When you pour in the liquid, be sure not to wash off the spices you just put on the chicken.

It cooks up so nice and beautiful.

Chicken In A Pot

Prep Time: 30 mins | Cook Time: 7 hrs | Servings: 4 | Difficulty: Easy


  • 2 (6 to 8 ounce) leeks, trimmed, cut in half lengthwise and washed
  • 2 small carrots, cut in half lengthwise
  • 2 celery stalks, cut in half
  • 1 (3 1/2 to 4 pound) chicken, rinsed and patted dry
  • 1 teaspoon salt
  • 1/2 teaspoon pepper
  • 1/4 small onion
  • 1 large garlic clove, peeled
  • 1 sprig fresh thyme
  • 1 sprig fresh parsley
  • 1 (14 1/2 ounce) can lower sodium chicken broth


1) Put leeks, carrots, and celery in a 4 1/2 quart or larger slow cooker.

2) Season chicken inside and out wi salt and pepper. Put onion, garlic, thyme, and parsley in chicken cavity and truss with spring. Set chicken on top of vegetables and pour in broth. Cover and cook until chicken moves freely at the thigh joint, 6 to 7 hours on low.

3) Transfer chicken and vegetables to a large platter and remove string.

4) Skim fat from liquid. Cut chicken into 8 pieces. Serve chicken and vegetables with broth ladled over.

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Categories: Chicken, kosher, Low Carb, Main Dish, Recipes, Slow Cooker, Vegetable, Vegetarian

Author:The Ranting Chef

Check out the best recipes at rantingchef.com

10 Comments on “A Car In Every Garage”

  1. July 7, 2012 at 11:11 am #

    One of these days I’m comng over to your garage for dinner! 🙂 Pinned this to my pinboard for chicken recipes. Rant on!! http://pinterest.com/pin/183943966001014774/


  2. July 7, 2012 at 11:12 am #

    I’m going to have to think about using my slow cooker!


  3. July 7, 2012 at 11:37 am #

    Comfort food at it’s best.


  4. July 7, 2012 at 11:51 am #

    I love chicken and this sounds delicious!


  5. July 7, 2012 at 2:21 pm #

    You can part out a chicken in basically no time with a good pair of shears!


  6. July 8, 2012 at 8:56 am #

    This looks so good! I’d have to change some of the veggies as my husband has weird allergies, but this will be on my menu for next week. Yumm! I love my slow cooker.


  7. July 8, 2012 at 11:40 am #

    I enjoyed several of your posts and will be back for more. You are gifted in both expression and the ability to present information, the yummynous factor not withstanding.


  8. July 9, 2012 at 11:04 am #

    Actually Henry IV initiated the chicken in your pot 😉


  9. July 9, 2012 at 1:04 pm #

    Looks awesome I will be making that 🙂



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