Maggie Monday: A Big Honking Piece of Fudge

When I was looking to write an intro for this post, I asked my youngest son for an idea. He asked about the recipe and as I described it he replied, “Ooooohhhh Fudge!” I agree….Bring on the fudgey goodness!

After being in London for the Royal Wedding last year, I was determined to find a recipe for the groom’s cake that go so much attention. Anything made with Rich Tea Biscuits, chocolate and cream had to be good!

I found several, and this one is the best. However, you should be warned that I have no idea why this is called a cake. There is nothing cake-like going on here. It is really more of a torte. Or, a big honking piece of fudge. Once you have a bite, you won’t really care what anyone calls it other than… chocolate. Rich, sweet, chocolate chocolate chocolate.

If you can get your hands on a tube of McVitie’s Rich Tea Biscuits, use them for this recipe. When I can’t get them, I settle for Pepperidge Farm Chessmen cookies. One bag is the right size, and they work quite well. It’s just more fun to use the ones preferred by the Royal Family, isn’t it?

This is so rich I can only manage a bite or two. But, those bites are memorable. This makes a small cake, but cut small slices. You don’t need a big serving to satisfy. Thanks, Prince William, for sharing your favorite dessert with the world.

Chocolate Biscuit Cake

What you need:

8 oz package of butter cookies or tea biscuits (sold in the cookie aisle)

1 cup heavy cream

2 Tbs honey

4 Tbs butter

2 ½ cups chips

1 tsp vanilla extract



2 Tbs butter

¼ heavy cream

1 cup chocolate chips


What you do:

Coat a 7 inch round spring-form pan with cooking spray. In a bowl, using your hands, break up the cookies into ½” bits. You want chunks, not crumbs. In a microwave safe bowl, combine the cream, honey and butter. Microwave on high for about 90 seconds, or until bubbling. Remove from microwave, and add the chocolate. Stir until melted and smooth. Stir in the vanilla, then the crumbled cookies. Spoon this mixture into the prepared spring-form pan, using the spatula to scrape it all out, then smooth out the top. It will look a bit lumpy, but make it as smooth as you can. Tap the pan on the counter to remove air pockets.

Refrigerate for about 3 hours- until thoroughly chilled. Remove from frig, and carefully remove the side from the spring-form pan. You may need to run a paring knife around the inside of the upper edge to ensure the pan comes away cleanly from the cake. Invert the cake onto a wire rack, then remove the bottom of the pan from the cake. Place parchment or wax paper underneath the rack.

Now you can prepare the glaze. In a small saucepan over medium heat, combine the butter and cream. When it reaches a boil, remove from heat and add the chocolate, stirring until completely melted and smooth.

Pour glaze evenly over the cake, allowing it to drip down and completely cover the top and sides. Allow to firm up, then transfer to a serving plate. Refrigerate leftovers. (ha haahaha! As if!)

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Categories: Chocolate, Dessert, Guest-Maggie, kosher, Recipes, Vegetarian

Author:The Ranting Chef

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7 Comments on “Maggie Monday: A Big Honking Piece of Fudge”

  1. Maggie
    November 12, 2012 at 11:23 am #

    This is a No-Bake dessert! BONUS!


  2. November 12, 2012 at 12:17 pm #

    Anytime you can use the words BIG HONKIN” and it be about food……it’s a very good thing….


  3. November 12, 2012 at 4:21 pm #

    Christmas is always fudge season at my parents house. I am allll for this, although I might feel a little ashamed after pigging out on a whole fudge cake!


  4. November 13, 2012 at 3:47 am #

    It is very likely that I will make that!


  5. Heather
    November 13, 2012 at 8:28 am #

    This looks so tasty!!


  6. November 17, 2012 at 7:15 pm #

    Oh,Maggie thanks for this. It makes me miss McVitie’s even more. So difficult to find real tea biscuts here. LOL 🙂


  7. Phil Gayle_For Singles and Couples
    November 19, 2012 at 5:46 am #

    Hi Pat,
    Looks very sweet, pastry and deserts are my weakness. 🙂
    My wife was a chef but moving back into that field and my son is half-way through his full-time chef diploma course while working part-time.
    He has a food related Blog but hasn’t updated it in a while…
    I’m going to let him know about your Blog…hopefully it will inspire him to get off the PS3 in his spare time and update his Blog.


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