Eating the Pine Needles

Some spices tend to hide in dishes while others really stand out. A little salt can hide. A little anise cannot. Other spices are noticed as much for their color as their taste. Think paprika or parsley. Others bring a great aroma like cilantro.

In the dish below, rosemary stands out. The quantity of it and the texture of it sitting on top of the chicken, makes it hard to miss. I like eating the roasted rosemary. My wife thinks it is more like eating pine needles and tends to pick off the larger concentrations of the spice.

My favorite of chicken thighs make this dish awesome!

A very small number of ingredients.

Not much to the preparation.

Crispy Rosemary Chicken and Fries

Prep Time: 15 min | Cook Time: 1 hr | Makes: 6


  • 8 chicken thighs
  • 6 small red potatoes, quartered
  • 1/2 cup extra-virgin olive oil, or as needed
  • 1 tablespoon chopped fresh rosemary
  • 1 1/2 teaspoons chopped fresh oregano
  • 1 1/2 teaspoons garlic powder
  • salt and pepper to taste


1. Preheat the oven to 375 degrees F (190 degrees C).

2. Place chicken and potatoes into a large bowl. Pour olive oil over them, and stir to coat. Scatter the chicken and potato pieces in a large baking dish, or cookie sheet with sides. Sprinkle with rosemary, oregano, garlic powder, salt and pepper.

3. Bake for 1 hour in the preheated oven, uncovered. Baste during the last 15 minutes for extra crispness.

Nutritional Info:

NutritionAmount Per Serving (6 total) Calories 497 cal 25% Fat 31.9 g 49% Carbs 27.6 g 9% Protein 24.4 g 49% Cholesterol 78 mg 26% Sodium 145 mg 6% See More Based on a 2,000 calorie diet


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Categories: Baking, Chicken, kosher, Low Carb, Main Dish 2, Recipes, vegetable3

Author:The Ranting Chef

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17 Comments on “Eating the Pine Needles”

  1. November 18, 2012 at 11:15 am #

    I have constant access to fresh rosemary and am cooking with it tonight, in fact – adds heavenly aromas and flavor.


  2. November 18, 2012 at 11:29 am #

    I love rosemary with chicken. When I grew my own I would just lay long sprigs of it on top of chicken and bake.


  3. November 18, 2012 at 11:43 am #

    Rosemary is one of my favorite flavors. I love it on eggs. I hate that it feels like eating twigs. I keep meaning to purchase an empty grinder so I can put my rosemary in it.


  4. November 18, 2012 at 1:43 pm #

    I have rosemary growing wild near where I live. It is so nice to have with a lamb dish.


  5. November 18, 2012 at 2:25 pm #

    I like the flavor rosemary adds to chicken, but to be honest, I hate the texture. It’s very much like munching on pine needles. That being said, this recipe looks delicious!


  6. November 18, 2012 at 2:44 pm #

    I love rosemary. My husband doesn’t complain but I have seen him pick it off of whatever I over seasoned with it. I tend to ignore that. But, I can tell you that eating real pine needles is gross. We have a lot here at my house if you want me to send them to you. 🙂


  7. naamlozevink
    November 18, 2012 at 4:57 pm #

    Hmmm Soulfood! A simple and great dish!


  8. November 18, 2012 at 8:08 pm #

    My hubs is the same with rosemary….I had to read this one because I thought you were actually cooking with pine needles…good thing you are not


  9. November 18, 2012 at 9:57 pm #

    looks killer! i love chicken thighs.


  10. November 19, 2012 at 12:22 am #

    I really love the flavor of Rosemary, but agree wuth your wife, it’s like eating pine needles. I tend to run mine through a blender/grinder so I don’t end up choking on all the little green sticks.


  11. November 19, 2012 at 3:42 am #

    Your blogsite photo looks so professional and I am impressed that you took time and interest to look in on mine. THANKS! Don’t look for many words under category of FOODS (or recipes) as I mostly cook for survival and when company’s expected. My next blog, however, will be on nostalgic foods and tastes from my childhood with an old, old recipe included.


  12. Phil Gayle_For Singles and Couples
    November 19, 2012 at 6:12 am #

    Great photos, as usual.
    Chicken, Turkey and Fish are cooked regularly in our house…
    I’m a fan of Rosemary…Lois, not so much.


  13. November 19, 2012 at 7:47 am #

    So funny that you call Rosemary pine needles, because that is what they remind me of! LOL But I grow my own Rosemary and cook with it often. Love it! Your recipe looks delish, too.


  14. notedinnashville
    November 19, 2012 at 11:56 am #

    Is there a trick to making the rosemary soften? My husband feels the same way about the pine needles. Does fresh rosemary soften?


  15. November 19, 2012 at 2:32 pm #

    I make this dish a lot & roast alongside with it other veggies like sliced fennel & pumpkin cubes too. Sometimes, I also add smoked pimenton extra!


  16. Sanjiv Khamgaonkar
    November 20, 2012 at 2:24 am #

    I’m a great fan of rosemary too, absolutely love the stuff!


  17. November 21, 2012 at 1:23 pm #

    Rosemary can be a bit strong for some people. Fresh rosemary is wonderful. It goes well with red potatoes, garlic, and olive oil.


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