A Lemon Scented Maggie Monday

It is interesting to see how scents make their way through the cleaning product industry. One product starts it and then it spreads like wildfire through them all until the next trend appears. Remember when there was a pine scent to everything? I guess we all subconsciously wanted to live in a forest. Next was lemon. Then “fresh air” or “cool breeze”. Then cinnamon. And then orange. Most of them have not lasted, but lemon has. It is the scent that endures. Maggie is here with her own lemon favorite….

It is no secret that I love lemon. So, here is yet another lemony recipe for you. I had egg yolks left over from another recipe (Chocolate Chip Pumpkin Muffins) so I didn’t want them to go to waste. Lemon curd was the perfect answer. Heck, on a whim I even tried some on one of the muffins and it was pretty tasty!

Lemon curd is versatile. It can serve as a filling for tarts and cakes, and be used in trifles. Or, just spread some on a slice of pound cake or bit of short bread to go along with a nice cuppa tea! (Remember our rule: Only good quality tea!)

This particular recipe comes from Ina Garten. I like it a lot. Her recipe calls for use of the whole egg, but I prefer it with yolks only. Alton Brown also has one that is wonderful.


Lemon Curd

What you need:

3 lemons

1 ½ cups sugar

1 stick butter, room temperature

4 large egg yolks

½ cup lemon juice (3-4 lemons)

1/8 tsp kosher salt

What you do:

Remove zest from the lemons using a micro-plane- being careful to avoid the white pith. I zested directly into the bowl of my food processor. Add the sugar to the bowl and pulse until the zest is finely minced into the sugar.

With a mixer, cream the butter and then mix in the lemon sugar. Add the egg yolks, one at a time, and then add the lemon juice and salt. Mix until combined.

Pour the mixture into a 2 quart saucepan and cook over medium low heat until thickened (about 10 minutes), stirring constantly. The curd will thicken at about 170degrees. Remove from the heat and pour into desired container(s). Refrigerate for up to 2 weeks.

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Categories: Baking 2, Dessert, Fruit, Guest-Maggie, kosher, Recipes, Vegetarian

Author:The Ranting Chef

Check out the best recipes at rantingchef.com

10 Comments on “A Lemon Scented Maggie Monday”

  1. January 28, 2013 at 11:19 am #

    that looks great!


  2. January 28, 2013 at 11:23 am #

    Love lemons so this looks yummy!


  3. January 28, 2013 at 11:31 am #

    This sounds really good, but I don’t have a food proccesor will stirring it together in a bowl be enough?


    • Maggie
      January 28, 2013 at 1:22 pm #

      It will work, but the texture might not be as smooth. Taste will be good, but you might get a bit more grain from the zest and sugar. I’d use a hand or stand mixer with the whipping attachment if you have that. Good luck!


  4. January 28, 2013 at 1:39 pm #

    My daughter makes a cake using lemon curd. Triple Lemon cake. The cake has lemon in it I believe, then lemon curd between layers and finished with a lemon frosting. Very delicious. This is an easy lemon curd recipe. I am going to give it a try.


  5. January 28, 2013 at 2:53 pm #

    i love lemons! Any “lemon-y goodness” recipe has me at first sight! And I love, love, l-o-v-e lemon curd… 🙂 Thanks for sharing!


  6. Janet Rörschåch
    January 28, 2013 at 5:21 pm #

    Lemon curd is one of my favorites! Dollop end onto a crunchy meringue nest and HEAVEN! Thank you for sharing.


  7. January 29, 2013 at 2:58 am #

    I love lemon curd!!!


  8. January 30, 2013 at 12:43 pm #

    Who doesn’t love a home-made lmeon curd? I know, I do! 🙂 Yummmm!



  1. Guest Editor: Passover Recipes | Rantings of an Amateur Chef - March 20, 2013

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