Product Review: Paper Bakeware

The Ranting Chef does not get paid or receive any revenue from manufactures or retailers of products reviewed. I occasionally receive products that I am asked to use and see what I think. I take a look, try them out and tell you all about them.

I just loooooove coming home and seeing a box on the doorstep addressed to The Ranting Chef.

Photo Mar 07, 5 52 23 PM

This box cames from Welcome Home Brands.

Photo Mar 09, 10 29 31 AM

Inside was an impressive array of paper bakeware.

Photo Mar 09, 10 29 40 AM

Paper bakeware? Yup. These are not your flimsy cupcake liners. These are full on baking dishes that happen to be made of paper. I was a little skeptical, but the more I looked at them, the more impressed I became. The paper is not thick (like cardboard) but it holds its form well. There is a coating on the inside that helps keeping the food from sticking to the dish.

Photo Mar 09, 10 54 05 AM

I first tried the rectangular loaf baking pans for a lemon blueberry cake. I made the recipe as normal and divided the batter into two of the pans.

Photo Mar 09, 11 39 53 AM

They go right in the oven, right on the rack and are rated for ovens 400 degrees and less. The only change I made from cooking with a metal pan was to start watching the loaves a little early. I was concerned that the paper was thinner so the cake would cook faster. I’d say it did cook a few minutes faster, which was an added benefit.

Photo Mar 09, 6 44 29 PM

There are several of advantages to this kind of bakeware. The first is the item bakes very evenly. The paper passes through the heat so you don’t have “hot spots” or hard crusts like with some metal pans.

The second advantage is easy access to the baked goods. Just tear down the side and you have easy access to the cake.

Another advantage is they are disposable. I gave one of them away to my in-laws and I didn’t have to worry about getting my cake pan back. For the one cake I kept, it was one less thing to wash!

Photo Mar 11, 12 29 07 PM

I also gave the Ruffled Baking Cups a whirl. They seemed perfect for a cherry tart, which I had never tried making before.

Photo Mar 11, 5 24 36 PM

Once again, these came out perfectly.

Photo Mar 11, 5 24 27 PM

It just peels away with ease. Don’t worry, I’ll post the recipes for the Lemon-Blueberry Cake and Cherry Tart in the future.

MY TAKE: These are really cool. They are so easy to use and my testing produce great results. I think they are perfect for those who bake “gifts” for others and for when you may be taking baked goods out of the home (office party, pot luck, bake sales). They allow you to keep the baked goods in shape during transport and they are stylish when sitting on the table waiting to be eaten. Welcome Home Brands sells other shapes and sizes including bundt cake pans. They sent me the Fine Check Collection style. In addition, they have holiday themed bakeware for Christmas and Halloween and the most inventive ones, heart-shaped pans. I’ll definitely use these again! They can be purchased at a number of retailers around the country or directly from Welcome Home Brands. Check them out!

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Categories: Product Reivews, Recipes, Tools

Author:The Ranting Chef

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15 Comments on “Product Review: Paper Bakeware”

  1. March 17, 2013 at 1:16 pm #

    They sound great! And one less thing to wash when baking is a definite plus in my book!


  2. JackieP
    March 17, 2013 at 1:30 pm #

    so are they made from recycled paper? how eco friendly are they? just wondering. paper cookware might be great, if they don’t do more harm in the end then good. because with metal at least you use those time and time again. just wondering is all.


  3. March 17, 2013 at 2:01 pm #

    Good review! I am not big on baking so I don’t invest in a lot of baking pans. But once in a while I’d like to bake, especially for holidays. What about the cost of these?


  4. March 17, 2013 at 8:03 pm #

    These seem awesome! Paper is an awesome renewable resource that is easily recycled. Plus, my dishwasher hates paper! And I hate dishes!


  5. March 17, 2013 at 8:16 pm #

    That is so cool!


  6. March 18, 2013 at 3:43 am #

    Great – easy to use and no cleanup!


  7. March 18, 2013 at 4:44 am #

    I’ve been looking for such forms for a while. Hope they ship overseas 😀


  8. March 18, 2013 at 9:44 am #

    Those do sound cool!


  9. March 18, 2013 at 9:48 am #

    I couldn’t see myself using on the regular, as convenient as they may be, because of they seem a little wasteful to me for daily use. However, I never seem to get my containers back when I bring baked goods to parties, dinners, etc. AND these would be awesome to bake gifts!


  10. March 18, 2013 at 12:33 pm #

    Years ago before my illness, I would have welcomed these paper baking dishes. Now with my chemical sensitivity, the coating would not be a good thing for me.


  11. March 18, 2013 at 2:36 pm #

    Very cool for gift giving!!!



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