Product Review: Monkey and Toucan

The Ranting Chef does not get paid or receive any revenue from manufactures or retailers of products reviewed. I occasionally receive products that I am asked to use and see what I think. I take a look, try them out and tell you all about them.

One day last week I was having a rough day at the office and came home with my Grumpy on. Upon arriving home I found a box addressed to The Ranting Chef. I could feel the Grumpy starting to lift as a smile spread across my face.

Photo Mar 07, 4 56 42 PM

The box was from the Boston Warehouse Trading Company.

Photo Mar 07, 4 57 09 PM

The first thing out of the box was a monkey staring up at me. Part of Boston Warehouse’s new Animal House line, this monkey was not only fun looking, but a vegetable peeler as well. Grumpy was going away fast.

Photo Mar 07, 5 03 35 PM

I love how the money is lording over the carrots with his arms up.

Photo Mar 07, 5 05 07 PM

The peeler works well. It was smooth and sliced off the skin of the carrot without taking too much flesh from the vegetable.

Photo Mar 07, 5 31 07 PM

I think I have a new kitchen god.

Photo Mar 07, 4 57 27 PM

The second item from the box was the toucan can opener. Isn’t that cool looking? Grumpy? Who was grumpy? Not me.

Photo Mar 09, 12 37 49 PM

The can opener worked smoothly. The action of the gear was smooth and the grip was comfortable. Many manual can openers take a lot of effort to turn but this was very easy.

Photo Mar 09, 12 38 38 PM

Job done!

MY TAKE: Boston Warehouse has taken basic, functional tools and added a little fun with them. The features of the tools are pretty standard, but the style is what makes the product. You can tell that these will help draw young cooks to the kitchen, but also can add a smile to an old chef’s face as well. You need a peeler and should have a manual can opener, so why not make them fun? You can purchase the monkey and toucan at a large number of locations or online at Boston Warehouse. While you are there, take a look at the rest of the collection (shark oven mitt, turtle fruit slicer and others).

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Categories: Product Reivews, Recipes, Tools

Author:The Ranting Chef

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7 Comments on “Product Review: Monkey and Toucan”

  1. April 3, 2013 at 9:32 am #

    The only draw back with that can opener is the sharp edges…Tupperware and Pampered Chef both provide one without the sharp edges…not as fun but safer in the kitchen with animals and children.


  2. April 3, 2013 at 12:09 pm #

    They look fun.


  3. April 3, 2013 at 1:57 pm #

    So cute! I need a better manual can opener. It always catches and on several occassions I’ve used some very careless “methods” to rip the lid off.


  4. April 4, 2013 at 12:28 am #

    I’ve seen those online but steered clear of them because typically things like that aren’t sturdy and break easily. Please continue to use these and update us in a few months. I think these would be fun to use in my kitchen to get my son to work around in the kitchen….if they dont’ break.


  5. P.S. I Love Soap Co.
    April 4, 2013 at 10:59 am #

    Those look entirely to fun! Especially the peeler:)


  6. April 10, 2013 at 10:36 am #

    I’m a very practical person..don’t see the need to spend extra for B if A does the job well….with that said…I so want both of these! The Monkey would just make me smile every time I had veggies to peel..and the can opener..I could actually FIND IT in the drawer! (And of course it works well, double win!) thanks for the heads up..will look for both products!



  1. Brown Sugar and Carrots | Rantings of an Amateur Chef - December 29, 2013

    […] new monkey peeler standing watch over the carrots as they […]


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