Guest Post: Shirley Temple and Rob Roy

Today we have Emily from Dinner is Served 1972. She brings not only two recipes for us but a story that brings me back to my own childhood and ordering a special drink. Take a look at Dinner is Served 1972 and Emily’s great post below

When I was a small child, there was no greater thrill than going to a restaurant with a cocktail lounge (or “lawnge” as I would say—look, that it is how it’s spelled!) and ordering a Shirley Temple. That was just the classiest, fanciest, most cosmopolitan thing that a girl could do. Especially if it was served in a pretty glass and garnished with fruit. An orange slice and maraschino cherry on a little red, plastic sword drove me absolutely wild.

According to the book Chasen’s, Where Hollywood Dined: Recipes & Memories, the drink was indeed created for Miss Temple herself when she was upset that her parents got to drink Old Fashioneds. This is what the folks at Chasen’s whipped up:


Shirley Temple Cocktail

7-Up or ginger ale


orange slice

maraschino cherry


Fill tall glass with five parts 7-Up or ginger ale to one part grenadine. Garnish with an orange slice and a maraschino cherry on a toothpick.


Sadly, I don’t stock red, plastic cocktail swords in my pantry. And I am glad that I used diet ginger ale to test this out, because, had I not, I would have gone into diabetic shock–but boy, oh boy did this take me back!

More often than not, my Shirley Temple consumption took place when I was out with my Gramsy. One of her favorite restaurants was a place in Downtown Pittsburgh called the Cork & Bottle. From what I can remember it was in the lower level of the building, had soft lighting, wood-paneled walls and red, tufted, vinyl booths. This could be entirely inaccurate and I am describing to you a pastiche of the places I visited as a kid, but in my head that’s what it looked like. And it was the bee’s knees.

So this particular day, after a day of shopping at Gimbels or Horne’s or Kaufmann’s (all now defunct. Sad face.), I sat down for lunch at the Cork & Bottle with Gramsy, my mum, and my brother.  The waiter came to take our drink order. I, of course, ordered a Shirley Temple. My brother was undecided. So Gramsy had another suggestion.

“Get a Rob Roy. You like those. C’mon order a Rob Roy!” The waiter looked at her curiously because a Rob Roy is made with Scotch. She meant a Roy Rogers-which is the boy-version Shirley Temple: Coca-Cola subbed for the ginger ale.

Oops. Easy mistake to make!

This isn’t the Cork & Bottle’s recipe, but there was once a Stouffer’s Restaurant on Smithfield Street, just a stone’s throw from the Cork & Bottle. This is the recipe from the cocktail guide Here’s How by Stouffer’s (copyright 1958).

Rob Roy Cocktail

Here is the overseas cousin of our well-beloved Manhattan made according to Stouffer’s own recipe. Take ⅝ oz. Sweet Vermouth, 1 ¼ ozs. of your favorite Scotch Whisky, and add ½ dash Angostura Bitters.

Stir with cracked ice and strain into a California Cocktail Glass (no. 1). Decorate with a Cherry.

Question: how do you do ½ a dash? Think about it.

It doesn’t matter, though. I couldn’t get my bottle of Angostura Bitters open so this drink was just Sweet Vermouth and Scotch. But I did use the correct style of cocktail glass. So win!


The Rob Roy really didn’t do it for me, but I am more of a Manhattan gal. I’m just gonna say that it’s a good thing that my brother didn’t order one almost 30 years ago.


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Categories: Alcohol, Beverage, Fruit, Guest, vegan, Vegetarian

Author:The Ranting Chef

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9 Comments on “Guest Post: Shirley Temple and Rob Roy”

  1. April 6, 2013 at 1:07 pm #

    I remember Shirley Temple’s making kids feel so grown up !


  2. April 6, 2013 at 8:04 pm #

    Lol–I read this just before eating out, so ordered a rob roy 🙂 Loved it. Thanks for the inspiration.


  3. Naomi
    April 6, 2013 at 8:57 pm #

    Thanks for the great post! Growing up I loved Shirley Temple movies and her drink! Now I get them for my daughters.Thanks for the recipe!


  4. April 7, 2013 at 11:07 am #

    My kids use to love Shirley Temple as kids, but of course without the liquor…


  5. April 7, 2013 at 2:13 pm #

    I’ll be sure to let my kids try Shirley Temples! Almost forgotten about these!


  6. April 9, 2013 at 3:53 pm #

    I loved getting Shirley Temples out! I remember having six (yes, six!) of them at a wedding when I was 9 and thinking I was drunk. Sugar high, perhaps.


  7. April 23, 2015 at 11:26 am #

    Reblogged this on Dinner is Served 1972 and commented:
    Today, April 23, is the birthday of Ms. Shirley Temple Black. So let’s toast this Hollywood icon with her namesake cocktail!


  8. April 23, 2015 at 8:45 pm #

    Heh.I never liked “kiddie” drinks. If I was going to have a drink as a child, it was Diet Coke or nothing! (Mmmm, saccharin!)
    Ah, the good ol’ days of lounges, cigarette smoke, and wood paneling. This post takes me back!



  1. I’m Everywhere! | Dinner is Served 1972 - April 6, 2013

    […] hop on over to the Rantings of an Amateur Chef to read a little guest post I did. it’s got it all–history! Hollywood! Whiskey! Also, I […]


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