Guest Post: German Pancake Bowls

Today we have another guest post from Diana at Food n Thought Peddler. Unlike Diana, I am a morning person. It is rare that I am not awake and up before my alarm goes off as equally rare that I’m not in bed before 11PM. Take a look at Food n Thought Peddler and Diana’s post below…

I don’t know how about you, but I’m not a morning person, at all. When I was very young and had to get up early, my mom would always say “you’ll get used to it as you grow older”. Nope, mom, decades later, and I’m still not there. Maybe I should give myself another 10-20 years, right when insomnia settles in. Though knowing me, I’d probably be even grumpier, that I didn’t sleep well AND had to get up early.

Plus some people are able to get up as soon as their alarm goes off. Nope, not me. I need another 15 minutes in bed to even pry my eyes open, and then at least an hour to get ready as the first 20 minutes are usually spent on a customary morning meltdown that I had to get up in the first place. So by the time I’m finally at work and sitting down to have breakfast, a couple of hours have passed, and I’m feeling more human. Mornings really should start sometime around noon!

And I guess it’s no wonder that I happened to create a child who is not a morning person either (that on top of the usual pleasantries you’d get from a teenager), so some early weekday hours are really charged and full of sparks flying. It’s better to just spend them in silence I think, or you may lose the last drop of sanity even before the workday has begun.

Weekends then become our “moderation” days, to sleep in, have a leisurely breakfast along with some civilized conversations. Yes, it does help that it’s all happening around noon. And no matter what, a nice breakfast food is usually making its appearance to lure the sleepy teenager out of bed. The dish below has been “an eye opener” on weekend mornings these past couple of months, it’s pretty quick and fairly versatile to satisfy many moods and make any morning a good one indeed.

image (2)

German Pancake “Bowls”

Makes 18 pancake bowls:

image (3)

1 cup of milk (I used unsweetened almond milk)
1 cup of flour (I used Cup4Cup gluten free mix)
4 Tbspoons of butter, melted
6 eggs
1 tspoon of vanilla
1 tspoon of orange zest
1/2 tspoon of sea salt
Berries or other cut up fruit or jam
Powdered sugar and mint for garnish

image (4)

Combine all ingredients except melted butter in a blender gradually adding flour to make sure that no clumps are left. Then blend in butter a little at a time to temper the eggs. The mix will resemble a bit thinner pancake batter.

image (5)Preheat the oven to 400 degrees. Butter the muffin pans really well to make sure the pancakes won’t stick, fill them just about half full.

image (6)Bake for about 15 minutes or until the tops are golden and look puffy. Once you remove them from the oven, they deflate a bit or you can gently push the tops in to make them look like a bowl.

imageRemove them from the pans and fill in with berries, cut up fruit or jam, sprinkle with powdered sugar and garnish with chopped mint leaves.
image (7)And you can play with other possible toppings since the pancakes are not sweet, like chopped tomato and bacon crumble topped with shredded mozzarella or salmon roe and scallions.

And since the pancakes are kind of hollow inside and resemble cream puffs, I think it’d be fun to inject them with jelly or the actual cream. That could be my next morning project! 🙂


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Categories: Baking 2, Breakfast, Eggs, Fruit, German, Guest, kosher, Recipes, Vegetarian

Author:The Ranting Chef

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16 Comments on “Guest Post: German Pancake Bowls”

  1. April 12, 2013 at 11:13 am #

    I make something similar that I call a dutch baby, which is in a normal sized pan. But I’ve got to try them in a muffin tin! I live by a rule in my kitchen that making things in muffin form makes them better! And I like playing with the toppings, I always ate mine with powdered sugar. Thanks for the ideas Diana!


  2. Our Adventure in Croatia
    April 12, 2013 at 11:15 am #

    I am definitely with Diana on this….. getting older you sleep less? nope, not me.
    those pancake projects look delish!


  3. April 12, 2013 at 11:16 am #

    Yummm…dis looks deelishus. 🙂

    nice share. thank you! my babies will love you! 🙂

    p.s. i too dont wake up fully til noon. my brain just hates shutting down at night. but i get nothing accomplished because i am tired. (:


  4. Lynette
    April 12, 2013 at 11:18 am #

    Those look Delish!


  5. April 12, 2013 at 11:18 am #

    Reblogged this on Cinnamon Girl and commented:
    I need to try this!!


  6. April 12, 2013 at 11:28 am #

    Those look delicious – I definitely am going to try them out!


  7. April 12, 2013 at 11:31 am #

    These look delicious!


  8. April 12, 2013 at 11:40 am #

    GREAT IDEA! Love it!


  9. April 13, 2013 at 10:42 am #

    Never seen this… Love it…


  10. April 14, 2013 at 7:35 am #

    That’s a really good idea! Looks great!


  11. April 14, 2013 at 8:53 am #

    I was just talking about how I used to eat these as a kid! And your version is gluten-free?? Can’t wait to try!!


  12. April 14, 2013 at 12:23 pm #

    Such a creative idea, great for parties and such!


  13. April 14, 2013 at 4:43 pm #

    Reblogged this on Food n Thought Peddler and commented:
    German Pancake “Bowls” and my 6th guest post for The Ranting Chef.


  14. April 15, 2013 at 9:58 am #

    I love this idea. How fun!


  15. April 22, 2013 at 1:07 pm #

    I like the idea of trying out traditional recipes in new ways. This is baking pancake batter instead of frying. I wonder how it will be steaming it or cooking it in a sandwich toaster


  16. September 26, 2013 at 8:57 pm #

    simple & look delicious.. great idea..


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