How was the show? FABULOUS!

I had the great opportunity this weekend to attend the Fabulous Food Show here in Cleveland, Ohio. The show combined celebrity chefs, cooking demonstrations with an exhibitor floor where vendors were showcasing cooking equipment and food products. The Ranting Wife and I spent about three hours walking the vendor floor where we talked with exhibitors and either tried out many of their wares (knives, pans, etc…) or tasted their food. By the end of our time there we were stuffed from so many great samples and had learned about some great products, such a using a slab of pink salt to cook on or tasting ice cream that uses hot sauce as one of the ingredients.

We also attended the International Beer Fest. With hundreds of breweries, wineries and distilleries represented, it was a great opportunity to taste many different drinks that you have never tried before. I know I found a few new favorites!

If you are a foodie, and I know that many of you are, I recommend attending a show like this (and if you are near northeast Ohio, attend this one). The winner of the ticket giveaway, Lori, took her young daughter to see Martha Stewart at the show and they even stopped by the grocery store on the way home to buy ingredients to make something they saw. Take some time and indulge your foodie passion. You won’t regret it.



Categories: Recipes

Author:The Ranting Chef

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One Comment on “How was the show? FABULOUS!”

  1. Anne Bonney
    November 12, 2013 at 12:49 pm #

    That does sound like fun.


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