Product Review: Anolon Divided Grill and Covered Wok

The Ranting Chef does not get paid or receive any revenue from manufactures or retailers of products reviewed. I occasionally receive products that I am asked to use and see what I think. I take a look, try them out and tell you all about them.

Several weeks ago I received a few pieces of Anolon cookware to put to the test. In the box was the Anolon Advanced 12.5” Divided Grill and Griddle Skillet and the Anolon Nouvelle Copper 12” covered wok.

Photo Oct 24, 11 01 09 AM - Featured Size

Anolon is a leader in the cookware industry and they have developed a number of cookware lines designed to fit the needs of both the home and professional cook.

Photo Oct 24, 11 01 47 AM

First, let’s take a look at the Divided Grill and Griddle Skillet.

Photo Oct 24, 11 02 03 AM

When I first saw this in the box, I said “this is soooooo cool!”. This pan is truly a 2-in-1 with a smooth frying surface on one side and a grill pan on the other. How many times do you need to pull out two different pans, not because of huge volumes of food, but because you don’t want them mixing in the pan? For me, it is a lot.

Photo Oct 25, 10 33 48 AM

It was The Ranting Wife’s birthday last week, so I made her favorite for breakfast, French Toast and bacon.  Time to try this pan out. The bacon went on the grill side (to keep it out of the grease) and the french toast needed the flat surface of the griddle to ensure the egg coating cooked well.

Photo Oct 25, 10 38 11 AM

One pan and no mess as this pan has a non-stick coating.

Photo Oct 25, 10 38 19 AM

I love it! Now for my breakfast the next day.

Photo Oct 26, 8 52 12 AM

When you cook anything in the pan with eggs, it can be assured you will get raw egg all over things. Not the case here.

Photo Oct 26, 8 52 53 AM

The eggs on one side are kept in place while the sausage and biscuits remain egg free.

Photo Oct 24, 11 00 30 AM

Now on to the 12” covered wok.

Photo Oct 24, 11 00 46 AM

Lots of good things about this piece. The size is perfect for a quick stir-fry. The tapered sides allow for optimum heat control, easy movement of the food as you stir and ensures the liquids stay in the pan. It is both non-stick and safe for metal implements.

Photo Nov 01, 4 19 57 PM

Stir-Fry time. The base (first photo) has layers of copper and magnetized steel to help even out the heat and it works on both standard and induction cooktops.

Photo Nov 01, 4 56 11 PM

The riveted handles are sturdy and as they are on both sides, makes it easy to carry the wok from stove to table.

Photo Nov 01, 5 00 05 PM

The stainless steel lid allows a quick steam of the veggies.

Photo Nov 01, 5 06 25 PM

A perfectly cooked dish.

MY TAKE: Once again, Anolon does not disappoint. The 12” covered wok is a a high-quality pan that will allow any home or professional cook fry up great dishes. It is the perfect size for a stir-fry for my family of 4. I found the heat to be even across the center of the pan and less as the sides taper, which is just want you want from a wok.

The Divided Grill and Griddle Skillet is totally cool. The division really allows you to cook two potentially messy items and keep them separate. Being non-stick, it is so easy to clean and it is much easier to store than the two pans you’d have to use in its place. Both items can be purchased at a variety of retailers or online here.

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Categories: Product Reivews, Tools

Author:The Ranting Chef

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4 Comments on “Product Review: Anolon Divided Grill and Covered Wok”

  1. Lori M.
    November 6, 2014 at 11:30 am #



  2. November 6, 2014 at 1:58 pm #

    Interesting review…

    Lordy..that split grill pan looks like great fun not to mention insanely cool!

    A good non-stick wok is one of life’s true necessities – the fact that it comes with a lid **and** is induction friendly puts this baby right up there with the very best of them…


  3. November 7, 2014 at 1:22 pm #

    I have the bronze Analon and love it!



  1. The Ohio Dog | Rantings of an Amateur Chef - July 4, 2015

    […] the Anolon Divided Grill Pan was perfect as the dogs were on the grill side and the corn and bacon was on the skillet […]


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