The Grateful Blog Reader Campaign

In May of 2014, I unexpectedly had to have surgery to remove my gall bladder. Like most people, I really didn’t know much about it but, thanks to the Internet, learned quite a bit about it very quickly. I was the classic case:

  • Long history of being overweight – Yup. All my life.
  • Eating fatty foods – Also, yup. All my life.
  • Recent, rapid weight loss – I lost 30 pounds in 24 days prior to the surgery.
  • Recently eating certain foods: Brussels sprouts, cauliflower and broccoli – As part of my rapid weight loss, I had been eating a very large amount of those items, including the equivalent of 2 heads of cauliflower the week leading up to surgery.

The surgery was quick, relatively painless and was no more than a minor blip in my life. Like other surgeries, it was also very, very expensive. While I have pretty good insurance, I also had the pain of a high deductible. Months after the surgery, and after receiving tens of thousands of billed charges (lucky for me I only had to pay a portion of it), I received something in the mail from the hospital.

It was a letter that stated that many patients are grateful for their experience and it solicited me for a donation to the “grateful patient program”. While I realize that may might be, and I was, I also had paid for the experience. I paid both directly and through the insurance premiums I pay twice a month. It got me thinking.

Do restaurants hit you up after you pay the bill and say that if you really enjoyed your meal, you may want to think about donating more money?

Do bloggers that provide you entertainment do the same? (hey…now THAT’S and idea!)

Cauliflower Chicken Fried “Rice” Lunch

Photo Apr 25, 12 34 23 PM

This is a low carb, low-fat lunch that tastes great. It was part of my big cauliflower eating that week.

Photo Apr 25, 12 28 36 PM

Shred, or “rice” the cauliflower, preferably with a food processor.

Cauliflower Chicken Fried “Rice” Lunch

Serves 2

1/2 Head cauliflower

1 can of cooked chicken, drained and shredded.

2-4 T soy sauce (to taste)


Shred, or “rice” the cauliflower with a food processor. Place cauliflower in a frying pan over medium heat. Cook until some of the cauliflower is heated and loses some of its moisture. Add the chicken and soy and continue cooking until heated all the way through. Serve.

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Categories: Chicken2, kosher, Low Carb, Lunch3, Recipes, Sidedish2, Vegetable4

Author:The Ranting Chef

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7 Comments on “The Grateful Blog Reader Campaign”

  1. February 7, 2015 at 11:55 am #

    so where do I send the money!?…ha ha


  2. February 7, 2015 at 12:59 pm #

    That seems a very tasty yet simple recipe….Thanx…will try it out….


  3. February 7, 2015 at 1:26 pm #

    I’m amazed they had the gall to ask for a donation!


  4. February 7, 2015 at 3:27 pm #

    I hope you recovery soon.


  5. February 8, 2015 at 10:38 pm #

    I’ve been trying to eat better – great recipe!!


  6. February 10, 2015 at 12:16 am #

    Wow, you don’t fool around – 30 pounds in 24 days? Congrats! Hope you’re feeling better soon and wishing you every success as you move forward :).


  7. February 13, 2015 at 3:23 am #

    Gee, that’s a bit rough!


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