Maggie Monday: Irish Whiskey Cake

Alcohol….dessert…’Nuff said…

This recipe came from my Aunt Kate. I have no idea where she found it. Probably the Columbus Dispatch newspaper decades ago. This is one of my mom’s favorite cakes, so she makes it often.

My mom doesn’t drink much, but when she makes this cake, you’d be convinced she was an alcoholic. I asked her for the recipe just a few weeks ago. When she emailed it to me she added some of her own thoughts in a few places. Here is an example:

1 oz whiskey of choice ( I use at least 2…)

½ cup whiskey ( I let the measuring cup run over- a lot)

When I told my husband I was going to make this cake he said “Oh no, not that drunken cake!”. Mom’s version is rather… potent. So I opted to stick with the recipe rather than let my cups runneth over. Husband loved my version.

Mom also prefers black walnuts, but I had pecans, so that is what I used. I probably agree with Mom on the walnuts, but pecans were good.

This cake smells great, and is incredibly moist. I might use a wee bit more whiskey next time… siding with Mom on this one. Sorry honey!

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Irish Whiskey Cake

What you need:


1 box yellow cake mix (mom says she might try it with chocolate or white sometime)

1 small box instant vanilla pudding

4 eggs

1 oz whiskey of choice

1/2 cup canola or vegetable oil

1 cup milk

1 cup chopped walnuts or pecans


Whiskey Glaze:

1/2 cup whiskey

1/2 cup butter

1/4 cup sugar


What you do:

Preheat oven to 350°. Generously spray a bundt cake pan with Baker’s Secret, or grease and flour it REALLY well.

Mix cake, pudding, & eggs. Beat well.  Add oil, milk, and whiskey.  Beat 3 min & fold in nuts. Bake for 60 minutes.

While cake is baking, place whiskey glaze ingredients in a sauce pan over medium heat. Heat on stove top just until it begins to bubble and boil. Set aside.


When cake is out of oven, pour above ingredients over cake while it is hot and still in the pan.


Let cake and glaze stand in pan for at least 2 hours.


Remove from pan.  Wrap in foil and refrigerate 12 hours or more- this allows the flavors of the glaze to permeate the cake. Refrigerate leftovers.


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Categories: Alcohol, Baking3, Dessert 2, Guest-Maggie, Irish, kosher, Recipes, St. Patrick's Day, Vegetarian

Author:The Ranting Chef

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6 Comments on “Maggie Monday: Irish Whiskey Cake”

  1. March 9, 2015 at 1:07 pm #

    Am I old enough to have some? Licks piggy lips. XOXO – Bacon


  2. March 9, 2015 at 4:06 pm #

    This sounds great! 🙂


  3. March 9, 2015 at 4:25 pm #

    Oh yum. There’s just something about alcohol and dessert…


  4. March 10, 2015 at 10:37 pm #

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  5. March 10, 2015 at 10:41 pm #

    i love this post, hmm!! Yummy, can’t wait to have it in my library. You rock it. Keep d work up.



  1. Maggie Monday: Irish Whiskey Cake | homethoughtsfromabroad626 - June 15, 2015

    […] Maggie Monday: Irish Whiskey Cake. […]


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