Sunday Rewind: Getting the Pig to Commit

Chicken with Mushrooms, Prosciutto and Cream Sauce….- Originally posted April 97, 2012

As The Rantings of an Amateur Chef has been going since February of 2012, there are quite a few readers that have joined along the way. In an effort to bring back some great recipes that they may have missed, I will dedicate Sundays to re-posting a favorite that is at least two years old. I hope you enjoy! – The Ranting Chef

A Chicken and a Pig lived on a farm. The farmer was very good to them and they both wanted to do something good for him. One day the chicken approached the pig and said, “I have a great idea for something we can do for the farmer! Would you like to help?”

The pig, quite intrigued by this, said, “of course! What is it that you propose?”

The chicken knew how much the farmer enjoyed a good healthy breakfast. He also knew how little time the farmer had to make a good breakfast. “I think the farmer would be very happy if we made him breakfast.”

The pig thought about this. While not as close to the farmer, he too knew of the farmer’s love for a good breakfast. “I’d be happy to help you make breakfast for the farmer! What do you suggest we make?”

The chicken, understanding that he had little else to offer suggested, “I could provide some eggs.”

The pig knew the farmer might want more, “That’s a fine start. What else should we make?”

The chicken looked around…scratched his head…then said, “ham? The farmer loves ham and eggs!”

The pig, very mindful of what this implied, said, “that’s fine, but while you’re making a contribution I’m making a real commitment!”

The fable is an old one, but we all know that the outcome of any effort is much better if all team members are committed. So for this dish I committed to making sure the chicken was as committed as the pig – Chicken with mushrooms, prosciutto and cream sauce.

Photo Apr 02, 6 47 32 PM

Such a rich tasting dish with the dark meat thighs, salty prosciutto, and creamy sauce.

I used boneless thighs. Note the sour cream and butter. The cow was only contributing and not committed. How could I have let that happen?!?!?

I ended up with 8 boneless thighs, but luckily I had enough prosciutto.

Chicken with Mushrooms, Prosciutto, and Cream Sauce

Prep Time: 10 Min |  Cook Time: 1 Hr  | Servings: 6 servings | Difficulty: easy


  • 2 tablespoons butter or margarine, melted
  • 6 chicken thighs
  • salt and pepper to taste
  • 6 slices prosciutto (thin sliced)
  • 2 tablespoons minced garlic, divided
  • 1 cup sliced fresh mushrooms
  • 1/4 cup dry white wine (optional)
  • 1 cup sour cream


Preheat oven to 350 degrees F (175 degrees C).

Drizzle butter into a casserole dish. Season chicken with salt, pepper, and 1 tablespoon garlic. Wrap chicken thighs in prosciutto, and place in casserole dish. Sprinkle mushrooms and remaining garlic on top of chicken.

Bake in a preheated oven until juices run clear, about 1 hour. Remove chicken to a platter, and cover with aluminum foil to keep warm.

Pour drippings from casserole into a skillet set over medium-low heat. Whisk in wine and 1/2 cup sour cream, and cook until warmed through, about 5 to 7 minutes. Add more sour cream as needed  Pour over chicken, and serve.

Nutritional Info:

Amount Per Serving Calories: 383 | Total Fat: 30.8g | Cholesterol: 119mg Powered by ESHA Nutrient Database


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Categories: Chicken, Italian, Low Carb, Main Dish, Pork, Recipes, Wine

Author:The Ranting Chef

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One Comment on “Sunday Rewind: Getting the Pig to Commit”

  1. May 18, 2015 at 11:58 am #

    I can not wait to try this with my home made prosciutto when it is cured looks great


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