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Product Review: Look Oven Bags

I always love to get home and find a package addressed to The Ranting Chef. There are always goodies inside. This envelope came from Inno-Labs, LPĀ . These are the same folks who sent me the FireWire Grilling Skewers (which I LOVE and can’t imagine using a standard skewer again). Inside were two packs of Look […]

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Product Review: The Burger Buddy

What’s this? A box addressed to The Ranting Chef?? The Burger Buddy? It sounds very intriguing. Inside was the Burger BuddyĀ (two pieces) and the directions. The first piece has an inner ring, and outer ring (with drain holes) and two arms that allow it to sit across a saucepan. The other piece is the press. […]

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Product Review: American Innovative Chef’s Quad Timer Pro

I love coming home and finding packages. I love it even more when I see they are addressed to The Ranting Chef! Opening it up, I found that American Innovative sent me one of their new products. The Chef’s Quad Timer Pro. At first glance, it does not appear to be your ordinary kitchen timer. […]

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Product Review and Giveaway: Fire Wire

Grilled Kabobs

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Product Review and Giveaway: No Mess from Trudeau

The Ranting Chef does not get paid or receive any revenue from manufactures or retailers of products reviewed. I occasionally receive products that I am asked to use and see what I think. I take a look, try them out and tell you all about them. The other day I received this in the mail. […]

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I’ll huff and I’ll puff and I’ll blow your jalapenos over!

Grilled Stuffed JalapeƱos

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Product Review and Giveaway: Chef’s Planet

The Ranting Chef does not get paid or receive any revenue from manufactures or retailers of products reviewed. I occasionally receive products that I am asked to use and see what I think. I take a look, try them out and tell you all about them. Last weekĀ I came home from a long day at […]

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Cookbook Grafitti

Ever feel like you have the same recipes over and over and over? Even the ones you really like are starting to get tiresome? Been there. Done that. Back in 2005 I decided to do something about it. I started off by making a list of the recipes that we made quite a bit. The […]

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Recipe Tab Now on Ranting Chef

Have you just joined the Ranting Chef party? Missed the first weeks of posts and have not spent the time to click through? Now you have no excuse for missingĀ any of the mouth-watering recipes presented here. The Ranting Chef has now included a Recipes tab on the home page. At the time of this posting, […]

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Spice it up

For this past Christmas my family presented me with a certificate for two cooking classes. The local communityĀ college (Tri-C for those in the Cleveland area) has opened a culinary institute that is in the heart of downtown and they have established a curriculumĀ of cooking classes as part of their continuing education program. Unlike previous efforts […]

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