Painting the Canvas

There are times when you know you have a great canvas to explore variations, such as pizza. You can go from the basic of pepperoni to the interesting (pesto, chicken and goat cheese) to the truly exotic (eel and Alfredo).

In a previous post, I shared a lunchtime favorite of Beef and Biscuits. The canvas of biscuit cups just begs to be painted on. This variation first came up when we decided to have several families over for brunch last year.

I was looking for something that was easy to serve, easy to eat, and hearty. These Breakfast Biscuit cups meet all three criteria.

These are great tasting and open to endless variation.

These include bacon, peppers and onions. You could go meatless or all meat.

Saute up the onion and peppers.

Spread the biscuit dough in a muffin tin and make a little cup out of it.

Put some scrambled egg in. Top with a little cheese.

Add the meat and veggies and more egg.

Top with more cheese.

Out of the oven.

Breakfast Biscuit Cups

Prep Time: 5 mins | Cook Time: 20 mins | Makes: 1 serving | Difficulty: Easy


  • Vegetable oil
  • 1 16fl oz container of egg beaters (or 7 large eggs, cracked and beaten until the yolk and white are mixed)
  • 1/2 red bell pepper, chopped
  • 1/4 red onion, chopped
  • 1/2 lb pre cooked bacon chopped into small pieces (or equivalent in real bacon bits)
  • 2 cups shredded Mexican or cheddar cheese
  • 1 can or regular sized (not Grands) refrigerator biscuits
  • Salt and pepper to taste


Preheat oven to the temperature prescribed on the biscuit can.

Preheat a small amount of oil large skillet over medium heat. Add chopped bell pepper and onion and sauté until onion is translucent. Add bacon until warmed. Remove from heat and set aside.

Add a little more oil in the skillet and return to medium heat. Pour in egg beaters and cook, turning and breaking up frequently until well scrambled. Salt and pepper to taste. Set aside.

Spray muffin tin with cooking spray. Open biscuits and place one in each of the outside muffin slots, leaving the middle ones open. Using fingers and thumbs, press the biscuits flat in the bottom of each cup and as much up the sides as reasonably possible.

Sprinkle a small amount of cheese (1/2 tsp maybe) on top of each biscuit. Scoop 1/20th of egg mixture in each cup. Add 1/10 of pepper, onion and bacon mixture in each cup and 1 tsp or so of cheese. Add remaining egg on top and then top with 1 tsp of cheese.

Bake according to biscuit directions. Biscuits are done when dough does not stick to toothpick. Cheese should be well melted. Be careful not to burn the bottoms of the biscuits.

Remove from oven and serve.

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Categories: appetizer, Baking, Breakfast, Cheese2, Eggs, Lunch, Main Dish 2, Pork2, Recipes, snack

Author:The Ranting Chef

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16 Comments on “Painting the Canvas”

  1. November 8, 2012 at 11:16 am #

    Looks great…I’ll have to try that.


  2. November 8, 2012 at 11:18 am #

    This is so smart! And so delicious!


  3. November 8, 2012 at 3:01 pm #

    Those look amazing! Now if I can just get up early enough to make them 🙂


  4. egghead23
    November 8, 2012 at 3:41 pm #

    Yum! That looks delicious!


  5. November 8, 2012 at 4:52 pm #

    Eel? You definitely lost me at “Eel”!

    Kim* 😉


  6. intangiblesoul
    November 8, 2012 at 5:02 pm #

    First time here. Glad I found this place! I LOVE to cook. Not that I’m any good at it.

    I have tried something similar to this recipe but the cup part didn’t come out right. Too thick at the bottom. Probably didn’t press them in good enough.

    You mentioned pizza above too. The Pesto/chicken one sounds really really good. About as fancy as I have gotten is a Spinach & Feta cheese using some kind of light cream of whatever soup as the sauce [chicken, celery, mushroom].


  7. November 8, 2012 at 6:32 pm #

    MMM, I may need to add this to my “nom, Nom, Nom” Pinterest board! 😉 Thanks for sharing, Karen


  8. November 8, 2012 at 9:32 pm #

    New breakfast ideas are welcome in my kitchen. Thanks!


  9. November 8, 2012 at 10:43 pm #

    Goodness Gracious, these look good.


  10. November 9, 2012 at 12:07 am #

    Breakfast? I want it now…


  11. November 9, 2012 at 1:06 am #

    And the award for most ingenious thing (ever), goes to…

    … I’m making it this weekend. Looks incredible.


  12. November 9, 2012 at 6:35 am #

    Wow, this would be great for a party!


  13. November 10, 2012 at 10:37 am #

    Checking back in to say I tried these with my favorite biscuit recipe and they turned out great! May I re-blog to this post?


  14. November 13, 2012 at 11:06 am #

    These look delicious! I could go for some right now! Definitely going to have to try these. 🙂

    Diva di Cucina



  1. Breakfast…In a Cup! « Clover and Thyme - November 10, 2012

    […] this week, The Ranting Chef posted a recipe for Breakfast Biscuit Cups that I just had to try. They turned out great! For my version of the recipe, I used a buttermilk […]


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