Bad Luck Brian

Internet memes.

If you don’t know what that last phase means, I’m sure you’ll know it when you see it. A meme is a theme of a quick piece of humor that goes around the Internet, typically utilizing a single picture. Think of LOL cats, the “Keep Calm and …” signs, Grumpy cat, and the picture of the Jose Cuervo guy (“I don’t often…but  when I do…).

One of the hottest ones, at least among my Facebook friends, is Bad Luck Brian. This is a series of items that use the same picture of an ultra-geeky high school boy in his yearbook picture. The words overlaying the picture change but they all indicate some ironic bad luck for Brian. Some of my favorites are (or at least the ones I can put here):

  • Plays Freeze Tag……gets hypothermia
  • Wins a raffle……Hunger Games
  • Receives note from crush…..restraining order
  • Plans his own birthday party….not invited
  • Runs away from home with family dog…..finds missing poster only about the dog
  • Takes Driving test…..DUI

Not long ago, the Washington Post found Brian (not his real name) and found out not only how it began but what has happened to him since (none of the bad things above). Take a look at the story here.

Mango Passion Cocktail

Photo May 10, 3 10 41 PM

This is the right kind of passion, not like Brian (“Finds passion for shot put….both arms fall off”).

Photo May 10, 3 42 12 PM

Slice the mango.

Photo May 10, 3 42 35 PM

All in the blender and serve.

Mango Passion Cocktail

Cook Time: 10 minutes | Servings: 6-8


2 ripe mangoes
1/2 cup vodka
1/4 cup lime juice (or juice of 1/2 lime)
pinch of salt
1-2 Tbsp. natural syrup, like maple syrup OR 1 -3 tsp. sugar (to taste)
1 bottle champagne OR sparkling white wine (or substitute sparkling spring water if you prefer less alcohol)
Optional Garnishes: ice cubes OR crushed ice, lime wedges/slices, plus fresh cherries or other fruit of your choice


1. 1. First, cut the mangoes and drop all their succulent flesh into your blender.

2. 2. Add the vodka, lime juice, salt, and syrup or sugar. Blend well to create a kind of mango puree. Now do a taste-test, adding more syrup or sugar if desired (how much syrup will depend on the sweetness of your mangoes). This drink should be a balance between sweet and sour, but leaning more toward the sweet.

3. 3. Pour this wonderful mango concoction into glasses, half-filling them. Top up with your choice of champagne, sparkling wine, or sparkling spring water if you prefer less alcohol. Finish with a couple of ice cubes or some crushed ice.

4. 4. If desired, garnish glasses with slices/wedges of fresh lime, plus your choice of fresh fruit (I used fresh cherries). CHEERS!


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Categories: Alcohol, Beverage, Drink, Fruit 2, Recipes, Thai, vegan, Vegetarian, Wine

Author:The Ranting Chef

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3 Comments on “Bad Luck Brian”

  1. June 22, 2015 at 11:19 am #



  2. June 22, 2015 at 12:26 pm #

    My kind of drink!! 🙂


  3. June 22, 2015 at 1:48 pm #

    Going to try this today, for I do have some ripe mangos! Thanks for sharing 🙂


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